I have a goal to finish my light blue Retro SMASH Book! The more I get done, I swear the farther it is away from being complete. But had a fun couple hours this morning. Page One: A page about my Great Uncle Toby and his bar. Used old paper lace washi from the Dollar Tree I bought a million years ago, fabric washi from the dollar store, and my friend Evelyn gave me the roster cards from Michaels. I just cut out what I wanted to match since my uncle owned a Bar/Chicken place. Page 2, used washi, some Sponge Bob cut outs Evelyn gave me she scored on at the 99 cent only store, old letter stickers, misc. pics of my nephew, and my square punch to cut the pics out. Page 3 Used left over journaling squares and stickers from a little album I bought at Big Lots for a buck! SCORED on that deal. Page 4 a page about my Dad being in the hospital. The picture on the left lifts up and I journaled all the scary moments from those f...